The Power Pose and How it Can Change Your Life!
Did you know that you can change certain hormones just by changing the way you position your body?
Certain hormone levels lead to feelings of more power and control while at the same time relaxing the body. Higher levels of testosterone in both men and women are related to being more confident. Lower levels of cortisol are related to feeling less anxiety and improving the ability to deal with stress.
People with higher testosterone and lower cortisol, or who are more confident and relaxed, tend to position their bodies in what are known as "high power" poses. People with lower testosterone and higher cortisol, or who are more insecure or anxious, tend to position their bodies in "low power" poses.
But what if you were told to change how you naturally position your body for just two minutes? What effect would it have on your hormones levels?
A study was conducted to determine just that. First, participants had their saliva collected so that their testosterone and cortisol levels could be measured. Next, they were told to either stay in a high power position or a low power position for two minutes. After two minutes, their saliva was tested again and the hormones were measured. The results were shocking! High power poses increased testosterone by 20 percent and decreased cortisol levels by 25 percent.
All of a sudden, the phrase 'fake it 'til you make it,' becomes a lot more clear. Even if you are feeling stressed out or uncomfortable in your surroundings, by positioning your body in a "high power" pose, you will actually begin to feel calmer and less anxious. This effect has numerous health benefits. Our day to day lives are extremely stressful and anything we can do to reduce that stress and feel more confident is well worth it.
How to make this work in real life:
1. Stand in a power pose for two minutes every day in the morning to get your day started.
2. Throughout the day, notice the position of your body. If you begin to get small or shrink into yourself, open up!
3. When you do enter a situation that you feel insecure in, fake it 'til you make it. Pick a power pose, or two, and stay in it. While you may not feel overly confident, you'll come off as more calm and relaxed to others and also start changing the hormones in your body. Before you know it, that situation won't seem as stressful as before!
yours in health,
dr samantha boldt