Saturday, August 6, 2016

Saturday Supplements: Formula 303 (Dee Cee Labs)

Saturday Supplements:

Formula 303 (Dee Cee Labs)

I don't normally have such strong feelings about supplements, but if you don't have this yet, get it! I have used this with patients for years now with phenomenal effects.

So what is it used for?
-Muscle Spasms

What can it be used for?
-All of the above
-Menstrual Cramps

The only ingredients are magnesium, passion flower, and valerian root, but they are the perfect ingredients in the perfect ratios to relieve a multitude of issues. As a chiropractor, I recommend this as a substitute for aspirin, or in conjunction with the aspirin, but at least the aspirin can be taken in smaller doses. Formula 303 has no bad side effects on the digestive tract or liver. In fact, the magnesium in it can be very helpful for people suffering from constipation!

One of the other big areas I always recommend Formula 303 for is menstrual cramps. Two tabs every 4-6 hours greatly diminishes the pain some women suffer from during this time.

Where can you get it?
It's all over the internet, especially Amazon. It is not very hard to find. That being said, if you know a doctor that sells it, chances are it will be much less expensive!

Dr. Sam's rating:

Scale: Excellent, Great, Good, Fair, Bad, Abysmal 

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